Monday, June 25, 2007

The Kayak Choice

After yet another fantastic weekend of kayaking, this time just inside the Golden Gate Bridge, my sweetheart and I have found The Kayaks. We didn't exactly expect to, but we tried a new place to rent from and voila! we were amazed and astounded. Since we started back in early May, we've tried around 10 different makes and models of kayak. There are certainly more to try, but these will do nicely.

However, while I'm sure you're thrilled for us, you'd probably like to know which kayaks we chose, and, more importantly, WHAT COLOR??!! That color question was a hard one, let me tell you. To go with a complementary color for my purple dry suit and red PFD, or a bright vivid clashing color so as to be seen....

So - drumroll please!

My kayak is the Valley Avocet:
Color choice = yellow, white trimming (similar to what's in the picture on the website; difference is that has black trimming)

** UPDATE! Turns out if we can get our kayaks a whole bunch of weeks sooner if we get red for me and yellow for my sweetie! So, yay! I like Red. Still need to figure out how to pimp it out, tho'...

My sweetheart is getting the Valley Aquanaut LV:
Color choice: Pacific Blue

His kayak was a _very_ close second choice for me, and vice versa, so we'll have fun trading kayaks now and again.

There's only one problem. These kayaks are made in England. You know, across that other big ocean on the other side of the country. Which means, since the dealer didn't have any in stock, we're looking at August for a delivery date. Bummer. We'll get free rentals out of the store while we're waiting, but it's still a bummer.

Ah, well. At least this gives me time to answer the next important question: how shall I pimp my kayak?

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