Monday, April 2, 2007

One of the reasons I like cats

Don't get me wrong, I like dogs too! But cats have that special evil something that appeals to me. For example...

My mother just IM'd me to tell me her cat went missing yesterday. This is always a bit of a concern, since she's in Las Vegas, the cat is black, and it gets hot and dry there. Granted, not right now, but I still worry. The cat does like to wander, and she in fact found it as a stray... but I digress.

Anywho, so the cat went missing yesterday morning. It was found again this morning by the neighbors. Turns out he'd jumped in to the neighbors' car - the window had been open about 6 inches. The neighbors found him there as the wife was taking her husband to the hospital.

Think of it. You are about to go to the hospital. You open your car door. A big black cat springs out.

Now _that's_ evil. :-) Hysterically funny, to me, and definitely evil.

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