Wednesday, March 28, 2007

a ramble about communication

One of the most common problems in the workplace is "lack of communication." I don't know how many times I've heard that, how many classes I've gone to, how many articles I've read about that subject. But what I want is the article that says: Communication is an act between two people. If only one person is really participating, it's just verbal masturbation. With witnesses.

Put in that light, I have to wonder if there is a Kama Sutra out there for how to communicate effectively. What a thought...

It seems that in order to communicate more, people are going for quantity versus quality. The number of meetings being had, the amount of email traffic, the presentations, the retreats, the training... My goal is to try for quality instead of quantity. The trick is - and I don't know the answer yet - is _how_. Still, it's a goal we should all strive for. I mean, do you _really_ want to keep witnessing the very embarassing moments between a person and their mouth? :-)

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